The Blog

Oct 7, 2008

AT&T Violates OS X License Agreement on National Television 

by Maxim Porges @ 8:47 PM | Link | Feedback (0)

Well, not really, but the guys who put their most recent AT&T 3G Laptop Connect Card ad are clearly not very detail oriented.

I just saw their commercial with the Laptop Connect guy and Michael Phelps, where the spokesman challenges Michael Phelps to a race with two laptops. When the spokesman turns his laptop to the camera to show how much faster it is, his knock-off PC laptop is displaying a movie of OS X opening windows in the Mac-only apps Adium and Finder, as well as Safari (although Safari is obviously on both platforms).

Not only does this kind of discredit the fact that their card might be any faster (since the computer is obviously playing a movie put together by their creative team, which is likely using Macs), but you'd expect AT&T to know that it's a violation of OS X's licensing agreement to be installed on a non-Apple PC. After all, they are Apple's partner for their mobile platform.

Big duh.