The Blog

Jul 5, 2005

FLiP Presentation, Max On Tape, Agile Development 

by Maxim Porges @ 11:10 PM | Link | Feedback (4)

Just a quick update to let you all know that I am still alive. On my return to work, I was buried under a metric assload of email and other such niceties, which of course dominated my day.

I supplied a link to the resources for my CFUNITED FLiP presentation on my previous post (look for the link at the end of the post CFUNITED Day 2). (I would have linked directly to the resources again here, but I'm trying not to scatter resource links on too many posts until I finish migrating my blog to its final host on a hybrid Fusebox/Blogger site.)

Sean Tierney posted an audio recording of me and a bunch of other CF-nerds going off about interfaces and OO techniques in CFCs. It turns out from Sean Corfield's comment on the post that he and I disagree somewhat about this topic, which I expect will result in some interesting discourse as I post my white papers in the coming weeks. I'm going to work on the first part of the CFC/Java series this weekend, assuming I can squeeze it in around a trip to South Florida that will be happening simultaneously.

I had an interesting discussion today with Michael about changing our architecture process to being more agile. Our architecture process is currently based upon procedural Fusebox 3.0 development, even though we're using a quite different toolset now: Java on the back end and Fusebox 4.1 MVC on the front end. Now that we're doing pure OO on the back end, we should be able to break our architecture process up a bit more and get some more throughput. In tune with my usual eagerness for constant process improvement and experimentation, we'll be experimenting with this over the next few projects. I'll let you all know what transpires.